Das Planetarium ist klimatisiert!

Time Travel

From the Big Bang to Mankind

Credit: LWL/Perdok

We all have heard of the Big Bang, but what happened then? Starting with the origin of the Universe, which processes led to planets and finally to humans?

Imagine that the entire 14 billion year lifetime of the universe is compressed into one year - with the Big Bang corresponding to the first second of New Year's Day and the present time to the last second of December 31. The planetarium turns into a Time Machine using this scale of time. Experience how our Milky Way was formed, Sun and Earth emerged and how life came into being all in impressive images. Massive stellar explosions and catastrophic impacts on Earth are as much part of this history as the dinosaurs and other creatures of prehistoric times. Join us on a unique Time Travel!

Show suited for children age 10
Length of show: approx. 50 minutes

Trailer in German